Vibration and temperature of bearings

Release time: 2023/1/7 9:52:38

1, bearing vibration
Bearing vibration is particularly sensitive to bearing damage, such as falling off, stamping, rust, crack, damage and so on can be reflected in the bearing vibration measurement, therefore, according to the selection of special bearing vibration measuring device (working frequency analyzer, etc.) can be measured vibration size, according to the working frequency can not speculate abnormal actual situation. Measured data due to bearing range of application or sensor installation is different, so we need to analyze the measured value of each piece of equipment in advance to determine the criteria.

2, bearing temperature
The temperature of the bearing can generally be predicted by the temperature of the outside side of the bearing. If the temperature of the outside side of the bearing can be directly measured by the oil inlet, it is more suitable for bits.
Generally, the temperature of the bearing begins to rise gradually with the running of the bearing, and the state of equilibrium is achieved after 1-2 hours. The stable temperature of bearings varies due to the thermal conductivity, heat production, speed ratio and load of the equipment. If the lubrication and assembly part are appropriate, the bearing temperature will rise sharply and continue to be abnormally high. At this time, the operation needs to be terminated and necessary preventive measures are adopted.
The application of heat sensor can detect the working temperature of the bearing at any time, so as to realize sound and light alarm or termination when the temperature exceeds the standard value to avoid shaft burning safety accidents.
Continuous high temperature often indicates that the bearing has been located in an abnormal phenomenon. Continuous high temperature also harms the lubricant of bearings. Sometimes the bearing overtemperature can be attributed to the bearing lubricant. If the bearing at a temperature higher than 125℃ long-term even football transfer reduces the service life of the bearing. The main reasons for continuous high temperature bearings include: insufficient lubrication or too much lubrication, lubricant. The inside is rich in residue, too much load, bearing damage ring, insufficient void, and high friction caused by the skeleton seal.
Therefore, continuous detection of bearing temperature is very necessary, whether it is tunnel detection of bearing itself or other very important parts. A slight change in temperature can indicate a failure if the operating standard remains the same.
Timely tunnel detection of bearing temperature can rely on thermometers, such as SKF digital thermometers, which can accurately measure bearing temperature and indicate it according to the unit temperature of ° C or Fahrenheit.
Significance of the bearing, meaning that when its work is destroyed, it will lead to the shutdown of the machine, so this bearing should be modified temperature detector. Normally, the natural temperature rise of the bearing will occur after it has just been lubricated or re-lubricated and will continue for one or two days.
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