How to deal with the bearing running ring

Release time: 2022/11/19 9:43:24

1, the punching method of the sample
When the bearing runs, there is no doubt that the shaft is small and the hole is large. It can also be prevented in the surface or the inner hole of the bearing body, and some sample punching is played evenly to fill the size change of the protruding part. This can temporarily address operational challenges

2, brush plating method
According to the electroplating process, chrome metal is immediately plated in the shaft or bearing body to repair the basic dimensions.

3. Adhesive method
When the shaft is worn or the inner hole of the bearing body is worn, it will also cause the bearing to run. At this time, the metal material adhesive suitable for itself can be selected, filled into the gap of the contact surface, and it can be treated after condensation. It is indicated here that adhesives must be used in contact areas that are compatible with each other. For example, the inner pad of the bearing that rotates with the shaft and the outer coat of the bearing that rotates with the wheel.

4, electric welding milling method
According to the electric welding fat will wear that part to make up, and then the use of mechanical manufacturing to the appropriate size, so as to repair parts. However, this method will change the mechanical properties of materials and cause stress because of electric welding, so the stress-sensitive parts should be selected in the ground.

5. Insert method
Casing method is a common way, that is, first damage prevention and heat treatment together with a part of the material out, secondary processing of a casing in the shaft or bearing body, and then the mutual surface production and processing to the appropriate size. This method should pay attention to sleeve strength, and damage to the shaft and bearing body, these.
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