How to choose grease for motor bearings running at high temperature?

Release time: 2023/2/15 10:06:11

With the continuous development trend of industry and manufacturing, machinery equipment is more advanced and efficient. Correspondingly, the demand for grease is more stringent. I believe we also have a certain understanding, in order to meet the needs of various industrial production equipment, a variety of special greases are also available.
At present, the special grease on the market generally refers to the high temperature, fast, ultra-low temperature, corrosion and other conditions such as to the motor, transmission gear, transmission chain, motor bearings and other equipment and components to give very good lubrication effect, and the surface slightly repair effect, shock and noise reduction, reduce the damage of lubricating parts and other services, maintenance equipment characteristics, increase the service life of equipment. And high temperature fast motor bearing grease is a compound base oil price, plus wear resistance positive ions, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and other additives specially made. It is a high temperature grease researched and developed for the working condition of the bearing of the long-term high temperature and high speed working motor.
It is very likely that you may ask, can the mechanical equipment such as motor bearings be directly used with general grease? The answer is: not recommended! Motor, rolling bearing equipment will generate heat when moving and rotating friction, high working intensity can not avoid the temperature is too high, general grease will volatilize the loss of lubrication effect and lead to rolling bearing destruction, serious or even burned equipment! If your motor equipment increases friction and wear due to the volatilization of grease at high temperature, in order to prevent the equipment from burning down, it is proposed to replace the appropriate high temperature grease immediately.
If you think there is something wrong with the grease you use, and you buy a new high temperature grease after coming back, how should we correctly replace the new grease? If you want to use excellent varieties of grease to replace the original grease, please be sure to completely clean up the original grease in the equipment or lubricating components before you can add a new grease. Equipment maintenance is the same, must remove the residual grease, then add grease.
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